
I always joke and say this is a posh pizza because you need to eat it with a knife and fork. If you love pizza then you will love these, simple to make and the flavours you can create are endless.

What You Need:-
200g Strong White Flour
5 tbsp Olive Oil plus extra for brushing
7g Yeast
140ml Warm Water
Pinch of Salt
Toppings of Your Choice

  1. Weigh 200g of flour and put into a bowl, make a well in the centre.
  2. Put 7g yeast at one side and a pinch of salt at the other.
  3. Pour 140ml warm water into the well then pour 4-5 tbsp olive oil onto the water.
  4. Mix with a spoon until it is a sticky dough.
  5. Turn out onto a well floured surface and knead for around 10 minutes.
  6. Place back into the bowl, cover with a clean wet towel or oiled cling film and leave for 30-45 minutes.
  7. Split the dough in half and push down to flatten the dough then start from the middle and work outwards between your thumb and finger (or you can roll it out with a rolling pin)
  8.  Oil a tray and and place the base on it. 
  9. Fill half the dough with your toppings. I spread pisatta on then salami peppers and broken up mozzarella then fold in half and press the edge down to seal it.
  10. Place the calzone in oven, gas mark 6 for 10 minutes.
  11. Take out of the oven and pour over some passata, add some toppings if you want and put back in for another 7 minutes.
  12. When brown on top take out, slice and enjoy.
As with the pizza you can have this as a vegetarian calzone or you can leave the cheese off for a vegan dish. 


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