Parmesan Cheese Straws

Quick and easy cheese straws. I make these when we have some left over parmesan cheese. Easy mixture with no sharp knives involved so great for little ones to help.

Prep Time - 10 Minutes
Cooking Time - 20 Minutes

What You Need:-

  • 150g Plain Flour
  • 75g Butter
  • 50g Parmesan Cheese
  • 4 tbsp Water

  1. Put the flour and butter in a bowl and rub it together with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs
  2. Add the parmesan and mix it all up together
  3. Add about 4 tbsp of water, do this one at a time until the dough is holding together.
  4. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll it out to around 5mm thick, then slice into 1cm strips. (the video shows I cut mine into 9 strips, mine was over 1cm so you will get more)
  5. Place greaseproof paper on a baking tray then place each strip on the paper giving each one a twist or two for decoration. If you have any cheese left over then you can sprinkle it over them for extra flavour
  6. Place them in a preheated oven at gas mark 6 for 15-20 minutes, until they are golden brown
  7.  Place on a cooling rack until cooled down.


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