Feta and Spinach Cheese Frittata

We made this as a meat free Frittata with just feta cheese and spinach and served with lamb lettuce and beans, but you could add pancetta, chorizo or bacon to add some meat if you fancy it. This recipe will feed 4-5 adults

Prep Time: 5 minutes 
Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes

What you need:
6 Eggs
1 White Onion
4 Tbsp Milk
1 Tbsp Sunflower Oil
100g Mushroom
100g Fresh Spinach
75g Feta Cheese
Salt and Pepper
Tbsp Butter
1/4 Tsp Freshly Ground Nutmeg

  • Slice the mushrooms and onion. Cut up the feta cheese into cubes.
  • Beat the eggs then mix in the milk, nutmeg and pinch of salt and pepper. 
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan then fry the mushrooms and onion on a high heat for 2 minutes.
  • Add the spinach and fry for another 1 minute.
  • Pour the egg mix into the pan and mix the spinach and mushrooms in with the egg.
  • Spread the feta cubes over the mixture and cook on a medium heat for 5 minutes. You will need to loosen the edges during this time.
  • Once the base and edges are set, place under a grill for 3-4 minutes until the top is golden brown.
  • Slice into 5 - 6 sections and serve.


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